3rd January 2021

OUT NOW: Aloïs Yang — MLMC Live At Punctum



FORMAT: CD + Digital
CAT. N.: 9ED015
RELEASE DATE: 2nd January, 2021
WATER: non included

22nd November 2020

PRE-ORDER: Steve Roden — Gradual Small Fires (And A Bowl Of Resonant Milk)

PRE-ORDER: Steve Roden — Gradual Small Fires (And A Bowl Of Resonant Milk)


Daniela Cascella • www.danielacascella.com
Michael Ned Holte • michaelnedholte.com
Steve Roden • inbetweennoise.com

Steve Roden

A5 format (14,8 x 21 cm / 5.8 x 8.3 in)
60 pp. (colour)
Sewn Binding
Edition: 300
Language: English

Cardboard Wallet

Mote Studio • www.motestudio.net


Release Date: 10th December, 2020

20th November 2020

Caterina Tomeo Intervista Luigi Turra su Digicult

"MA è un progetto germogliato non tanto dalla musica, ma da lunghe riflessioni e dialoghi sul suono, avvenuti tra me e Fabio Perletta durante gli ultimi anni. Più precisamente è nato dall’esperienza dello spazio attraverso il suono, e da come il suono possa interagire in particolare con lo spazio architettonico. [...] Il suono degli spazi altro non è che una negazione del silenzio puro. C’e molto suono nell’esperienza architettonica e progettuale di Tadao Ando, una concezione di spazio-pieno che ha in sé l’idea di suono più prossimo al silenzio che io abbia mai incontrato. Ecco perché lo spazio sonoro in questo disco viene inteso come elemento architettonico e al contempo come contenitore di memoria, o più precisamente come luogo transitorio per una immersione intima, meditativa, che prende in considerazione anche la condizione del rapporto ombra-luce (caratteristico nei progetti del Maestro Giapponese) come parametro sensoriale importante, quanto quello del rapporto tra superfice fisica e spazio aperto. Con MA di fatto abbiamo cercato di trattare l’architettura come se fosse uno strumento per comporre. Uno spazio compositivo che ha in sé quella qualità aptica di cui parlavamo prima. È architettura tattile, infatti, quella di Tadao Ando, fatta di cemento a vista e di ardesia. È tattile e materica nel momento in cui la superfice di pietra grezza si relaziona in modo del tutto naturale con la quiete degli spazi vuoti. Potrei dire che MA (e credo che Fabio possa essere d’accordo) rappresenti una scelta estetica di assenza [...]"

Leggi l'intervista

14th May 2020

OUT NOW: Vittorio Guindani — Jisei

“I like to intend Jisei more as a subtle presence than a form of music”

A Jisei is one of the death poems belonging to Japanese tradition, sometimes referred to as the last words, the last images or the last sounds before the farewell. Jisei is composed of fragments, memories, field recordings, explorations on emptiness and objects having personal meanings. The album is informed by dusty impressions as if they were brushes creating forms which disappear as they take shape. Each track on Jisei is infused with restraint and stillness.

Guindani created an immersive space of meditation, crafted in a time span of several days, where gestures instinctively occurred in the present moment without judgment or hesitation. The intangible forms Jisei is forged with remind of life’s fragility, bringing profound sensitivity and faint traces, as perfectly expressed by the stunning cover by Italian artist Marina Marcolin, who is also responsible for the paintings inside the small book.

Jisei is a work to be slowly discovered, from time to time, for those who take the nuances of ephemeral beauty as a value to meditate upon.


20th March 2020

Fabio Perletta’s ‘Due Musei’ to support World Health Organisation’s COVID-19 Response Fund


The coronavirus outbreak is disrupting culture significantly, placing countries in lockdown and forcing people to stay home. 'Due Musei' (Two Museums) invites listeners to pay attention to seemingly useless things, in the attempt to let them re-discover small sounds and find peace in their homes. It documents the sound of human activity altered by two different architectural spaces. Listening is recommended at relatively low volume.

Recorded in 2014 at MAXXI’s library and in 2019 at Chichu Art Museum’s long corridors, narrow passageways, triangle courtyard, variable rooms and artists’ galleries (Turrell, De Maria).

To raise even more awareness around the pandemic’s impact on musicians everywhere, Bandcamp is waiving its revenue share on sales today (Friday, March 20th, from midnight to midnight Pacific Time), and rallying the Bandcamp community to put much needed money directly into artists’ pockets.

All monies raised from this edition will be donated to the World Health Organisation’s COVID-19 Response Fund. Thank you.

18th December 2019

9+1=0 Roma

Hello folks, I am delighted to celebrate the end of another decade with a new 9+1=0 party in Roma! The event starts with a talk with Caterina Tomeo, Franz Rosati and myself around the theme of sound art and the history of the label, followed by an open conversation with the audience and a sound diffusion by Luigi Turra. Klang will also be hosting a special evening of performances from myself, Marco "Ubik" Bonini, Franz Rosati, and a final improv live set.


2nd December 2019


The final two editions for 2019 are now available for pre-order! We also have a limited quantity of 9+1=0 t-shirts available for shipping at our bandcamp shop, grab yours before it's too late! l am delighted to announce the release of Circular Arguments by Montreal-based sound artist Adam Basanta and Hodokeru Mimi, the documentation of the concert held in 2017 at Ryosoku-in Temple in Kyoto by Takamitsu Ohta, Asuna + Minoru Sato, Eisuke Yanagisawa and Fabio Perletta. I am also honoured to have Zen master Toryo Ito on board with a short recording of his shijou which opened the meditation session.


22nd November 2019


Adam Basanta – Circular Arguments (9ED008)

Toryo Ito, Takamitsu Ohta, Asuna + Minoru Sato, Eisuke Yanagisawa, Fabio Perletta – ほどける耳 Hodokeru Mimi (9ED009)
Live at Ryosoku-in Temple in Kyoto, 9 December 2017

Release Date: 9 December 2019