15th April 2019

9+1=0 Tokyo

ミラノ(Standards)、ロンドン(Iklectik)に引き続き、901 Editionsはさらに、落合スープで素晴らしい共演者達と「9 + 1 = 0 in Tokyo 」を主催します!

After Milan (Standards) and London (Iklectik), 901 editions is thrilled to celebrate another 9+1=0 party in Tokyo at Ochiai Soup with a stellar line-up:

Toshimaru Nakamura + Tetuzi Akiyama
Makoto Oshiro
Minamo (Keiichi Sugimoto + Tetsuro Yasunaga)
Fabio Perletta
Yui Onodera

Dj Sets:
Iwamaki (Makiko Kurasawa Iwaki)
Yukitomo Hamasaki

キックスターターのキャンペーンによりご支援いただいたAkio Suzuki、Nicolas Bernier、Yann Novak、それからKen Ikeda + Rie Nakajima + Makoto Oshiroによる4枚のアルバムもご購入できます。

The 4 albums supported by the kickstarter campaign by Akio Suzuki, Nicolas Bernier, Yann Novak and Ken Ikeda + Rie Nakajima + Makoto Oshiro will be available for sale.

901editions bandcamp

Door: 2500¥ + 1D
Open/Start: 18:30

Design by Mote Studio

5th November 2018

Relaunch is a GO! Kickstarter campaign at 135%!

We are so excited to relaunch 901 Editions in 2019 with 4 new releases by Nicolas Bernier, Ken Ikeda + Rie Nakajima + Makoto Oshiro, Yann Novak and Akio Suzuki!

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30th October 2018

Mix for radio.syg.ma (RU)

"Subtle compilation by Fabio Perletta — founder of the 901 editions label. 60 minutes of thoroughly compiled experimental electronic music, microsound and field recordings from the label's catalogue."

Happy listening! https://radio.syg.ma/episodes/guests-38-901-editions

26th July 2018

Aloïs Yang — Micro Loop, Macro Cycle

We are thrilled to welcome friend Aloïs Yang to the family with an astonishing work about water. “Micro Loop Macro Cycle” is a series of installation, performance, video, and sound production that investigates environmental cycle system through studies of different states of water. The sound is the primary material of this project, as well as the communicational medium revealing comprehensive sonic information about the dynamic states of present time and space.

Check it out here: https://901editions.bandcamp.com/album/micro-loop-macro-cycle

15th February 2018

9 + 1 = 0 — Cygni + 901 editions @ Standards (Milan, IT)

9 + 1 = 0 [ MILAN ]

We are thrilled to be celebrating the newly established 901 editions at Standards in Milan with a special talk + an exhibition including a sound diffusion of the project Quark: How Does The Invisible Sound?, a selection of digital/printed posters and various multimedia materials designed by our long term partner Mote Studio.
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26th January 2018

Franz Rosati – Machine & Structure

FORMAT: software (MAC/PC) + binaural audio
RELEASE DATE: Jan 29, 2018

901 editions proudly presents its first edition by Italian sound and visual artist Franz Rosati. Machine & Structure comes as a software producing a digital synaesthetic sculpture plus three binaural audio tracks. Stasis, movement and kinetic saturation are the summary of spontaneous, primitive interactions of a machine imprisoned within its own code. A virtual organic being with his own behavior. Torsions, spasms, gentle whispers and harsh screams serve as a primitive language used by this virtual body to strive for his principle of existence in the contemporary era.
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